Tag: Japan

Travel Time 1 – Back to Japan

お久しぶりです! It’s been a while! After a small break from DanDan, I decided to come back with a series of short travelling snippets for my next few posts. With most people being stuck at home for extended periods of time, it would be nice to go on small trips...

SUMMER in Japan vs UK!

Now that the heat wave seems to have cooled down, Kokoro and I wanted to share what we miss most about summer in our respective countries, including typical food and activities we enjoyed in the warm weather. You can read more about Canadian summers here (in Japanese), but for...


ダンダンへのインタビュー第三弾☆ 今回のテーマは、食!! 第二弾「お互いの国の印象」からどうしても食だけ切り離したいと打診されたほど、ダンダンは日本食についてアツい想いを持っているようです。笑...

Throwback Songs

In the past couple of weeks, Kokoro and I have been going through a throwback phase, listening to all kinds of music from our childhood or teenage years. Every time we listen to these playlists however, we love to notice how different mainstream music was for us depending on...