Category: Interview

SUMMER in Japan vs UK!

Now that the heat wave seems to have cooled down, Kokoro and I wanted to share what we miss most about summer in our respective countries, including typical food and activities we enjoyed in the warm weather. You can read more about Canadian summers here (in Japanese), but for...

SUMMER in Canada vs UK!

夫ダンダンへのインタビュー第4弾☆ 今回のテーマは、夏!SUMMER!! 夏にまつわる様々な質問をダンダンにぶつけてみました!...

Kokoro Tries Romanian Food…and LOVES It!

Lately, Kokoro and I have been spending more time than usual trying to cook both new things and our families’ traditional recipes. We decided to have a little chat about the food we love and miss the most from our countries and I was surprised at how much she...


ダンダンへのインタビュー第三弾☆ 今回のテーマは、食!! 第二弾「お互いの国の印象」からどうしても食だけ切り離したいと打診されたほど、ダンダンは日本食についてアツい想いを持っているようです。笑...

Kokoro vs April Snowstorms

Just like we did a couple of weeks ago, Kokoro and I interviewed each other once again! The topic? Our experiences and impressions after visiting Canada and Japan for the first time. If you want to read about my first trip to Japan, you can check out Kokoro’s article...

ダンダン VS 日本語

たぶんかぞくのブログは普段、ダンダンが英語、私こころが日本語で書いていますが… 「これじゃあ英語で読む人にはダンダンの考えていること、日本語で読む人にはこころの考えていることしか発信できない!!」 ということで、不定期でインタビューシリーズを取り入れてみることにしました!...

Learning Romanian…in Japan?!

Kokoro and I decided to do something a little different for this week’s post. Since we’re always writing about our own thoughts, we thought we might have the other person take the spotlight instead. And so, we ‘interviewed’ each other about our experience learning the other’s language. Of course,...