Category: DanDan/ダンダン

The Romanian Easter Cooking Series (2) Pască

Difficulty: Easy to medium Estimated cooking/prep time: 1-1.5hrs (with 12h overnight rest) Cuisine: Romanian The second experiment we tried this Easter was to cook a traditional Romanian Easter desert, which is called ‘Pască’ – even the name resembles the Romanian word for Easter, which is ‘Paște’. This is a...

The Romanian Easter Cooking Series (1) Mici/Mititei

Difficulty: Medium (prep) – Hard (cooking) Estimated cooking/prep time: 30-45min (but 12h overnight rest) Cuisine: Romanian This Easter we decided to be a little adventurous with our cooking, and try two very classic Romanian dishes. The first one is a top 5 most famous Romanian national dish (if not...

Baby food: Apple & Sweet potato muffin

Since I usually take these muffins when we go out and am often asked the recipe, I decided to post the English translation of my Apple & Sweet potato muffin recipe (here for Japanese article). Quick and easy cooking with a few dishes to wash! <ingredients for 5-6 muffins>Sweet...

Improvised Romanian Lamb Soup

Difficulty: Easy to medium Estimated cooking/prep time: 1-1.5hrs Cuisine: Romanian Both Kokoro and I normally don’t fancy lamb dishes, and rarely buy the meat. There are however two big exceptions. The first one is one of the most typical Romanian barbecue dishes – mici, which is a mix of...

Learning-by-doing: Cooking Tips and Tricks (2)

I know everyone was so excited to read part two, so without further ado, here are five more cooking tips and tricks I wish I knew sooner rather than later: 1.Flour absorbs liquid differently based not only on type but also on brand. So, if your bread recipe asks...

Learning-by-doing: Cooking Tips and Tricks (1)

I’ve always kind of enjoyed cooking and baking. Well, unless it’s only for myself, I’m way too lazy to get pots and dishes dirty for just one person. Now that the pandemic has been going on for nearly two years, I’ve had lots of time to perfect my craft....

Honey-glazed gammon recipe

A bit of a funny story on this one. So, in Romania, it’s quite common to eat pork meat and pork-based products for Christmas – in fact some families still buy whole pigs before Christmas and prepare tens of stuff, but that’s a story for another time. Anyway, in...

The quick and easy bread recipe

Hi everyone, it’s been way too long! The dad and PhD life have been keeping me busy, but with Christmas just behind us, it was the perfect time to share some tricks we learned while preparing for the holidays. Oh, and happy (slightly) late holidays to all those of...

Dad Time 5 – Sleep Time

Oof, trying to get some sleep when you live with a new-born should qualify as some sort of extreme sport. As I wrote a long time ago, I’ve always been the kind of person who loves working in the middle of the night, when everything is quiet and you...

Dad Time 4 – Diaper Change Time

Before Yoshifusa was born, I was pretty curious about how I’d react to the idea of having to change diapers once I was actually forced to do it. Maybe it was because of stereotypical dad reactions in movies, or because apparently my own dad did his best to avoid...