Tag: romanian

The Romanian Easter Cooking Series (2) Pască

Difficulty: Easy to medium Estimated cooking/prep time: 1-1.5hrs (with 12h overnight rest) Cuisine: Romanian The second experiment we tried this Easter was to cook a traditional Romanian Easter desert, which is called ‘Pască’ – even the name resembles the Romanian word for Easter, which is ‘Paște’. This is a...

The Romanian Easter Cooking Series (1) Mici/Mititei

Difficulty: Medium (prep) – Hard (cooking) Estimated cooking/prep time: 30-45min (but 12h overnight rest) Cuisine: Romanian This Easter we decided to be a little adventurous with our cooking, and try two very classic Romanian dishes. The first one is a top 5 most famous Romanian national dish (if not...

Limba română

ダンダンやその家族との会話は英語なものの、せっかくの縁だから…と、かなりの牛歩ながら少しずつ勉強しているルーマニア語。 今回は、ルーマニア語がどんな言語なのか、簡単にご紹介!...

Learning Romanian…in Japan?!

Kokoro and I decided to do something a little different for this week’s post. Since we’re always writing about our own thoughts, we thought we might have the other person take the spotlight instead. And so, we ‘interviewed’ each other about our experience learning the other’s language. Of course,...